
  1. 本網誌內所登載之歌曲,版權歸創作人所擁有(包括作曲者、編曲者、填詞人)。
  2. 歡迎信友採用本網誌內所刊登的歌曲,在以下不涉及收費的使用情況下,無須事先獲得許可, 唯盼能確認 ’新曲獻給袮 Sing to The Lord’ 網誌為資料來源:
    • 在個人靈修、團體靈修/敬拜及免費音樂會中採用本網誌內的作品,包括詠唱歌曲,下載資料(曲譜,歌詞及試唱錄音);
    • 將有關歌曲的資料刊登於上述活動的場刊內,或投射於熒幕上。
  3. 個別歌曲的作者已訂立了使用其作品的條件,請參閱附於其作品下的‘使用聲明’ (Authority Statement)。
  4. 假如使用場合涉及收費---無論是透過聲音或視像,實體或網上傳播—-均須事前獲得作曲者的書面許可。請直接與作者聯繫,假如作者未有在其作品中透露其聯絡資料,本網誌樂意代為轉達。

Copyright Rights

  1. The copyright of every song posted in this hymn blog is owned by its composer, music arranger and lyricist. This hymn blog holds no copyright over any song posted in this blog unless explicitly stated otherwise.
  2. You are welcome to use the songs in this blog without seeking prior approval under the following circumstances, however, acknowledging ‘新曲獻給袮 Sing to The Lord’ Hymn Blog as the source will be appreciated.
    • To sing/play these songs and to download the recordings of songs, sheet music and lyrics for use in private/public worship, religious gathering and admission-free concert.
    • To reproduce the lyrics/sheet music in the publication of the above stated events or projecting them onto the screen.
  3. There are songs the composers of which have set down their respective criteria of use, the ‘Authority Statement’ can be found within those posts.
  4. Written consent of the composer is required should a song posted in this blog is used in occasions that generate income or fee, such as in video or audio recording, or in a live performance or being distributed in any form, physically or online streaming. Written consent can be obtained directly from the composer. Where contact details are not provided, we are happy to connect you with the composer on your behalf.

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