Wednesday 27 January 2021


作曲:黃志偉 編曲:
作詞:天使綸音(GsM),朱天溢 詠唱:

飢餓者不單只渴求食物, 赤身者不單只要求衣服, 病弱者不單只需要醫治, 露宿者不單只渴求住處。

豐裕者也·都在說渴求被愛, 因為缺乏關心, 接納與認同,因為缺乏關愛和體恤的心, 人們的心內才極度苦痛。

愛, 不為求偉大, 只為細小。 從細微的小事, 體現博大的愛。只要些許仁慈。 只要些許慈悲, 就能令世間少一點冷漠, 多一點正義。

耶穌基督是天父慈悲的面容, 去愛你的近人, 你必看見天父的臉。






This hymn (些許) of which Eric Wong is the composer is permitted for use by Individuals or church groups for religious purposes (such as at Mass and Liturgy, religious gatherings and free-admission concerts). The use and distribution of sheet music and recording are also permitted in the same non-commercial context as specified above.

The consent of such permitted use is, however, withheld and excluded in the circumstances where a video or audio recording of live performance distributed in any form, physically or online streaming, that generate income of subscription or for a fee unless a written consent has first been formally obtained from Eric Wong who can be contacted at


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